My Life Being Renewed: No More Excuses-some short term goals for this year!

No More Excuses-some short term goals for this year!

October 17, 2019

Okay, so after venting on my last post about the cons of my job- yes, I work super long hours, yes, I don't have much time to exercise or I'm too tired. BUT, the more that I started thinking about it, there are some things that I can do to be healthier {and hopefully lose weight & tone} while on the road working. One great diet that I used to live by, is the Raw Vegan diet, which is the perfect eating plan if you don't have much time for exercise, because the way you eat helps to detox and tone the body- in my experience anyway. I did some research and there are lots of great Raw, vegan restaurants/Healthy spots to eat in Texas mostly, but some in Louisiana as well. I printed out lots of options, along with the menus, so that I have everything organized for when I am on the road. I also noticed that there are Whole Foods Markets everywhere that we go- so if I can't find something to eat, I can always run in and grab a kale salad, green juice, etc. and still eat healthy.

I am also hoping that with this new eating plan, that I will have better skin, more energy and concentration. For me, it's about being happy and right now, I am not at my happy place as far as weight goes.

My other goal for the next couple of months, is to grow my nails! I am so tired of having short nails!

Another goal is to have a better work/life balance- I am going to work on fitting in some personal time for shopping, checking my emails, Blog more, etc.

I should also work on spending less money- I should be a millionaire because I have expensive tastes in everything. But it's unfortunate because I don't make a millionaire's salary- I need to work on cutting back on some spending. I have an obsession with Starbucks coffee and drink it like 2-3 times per day

Plan a weekend vacay for the hubby and I- beach, picnic, bike riding- something fun!

Try to do one new thing fun or something out of my comfort zone per week. Whether it's new foods, new restaurants, having date nights, etc.

Take more photos.

I would love to get back into crochet while we are travelling for work. This would be a fun goal that I could work on.

Take better care of myself- take my daily vitamins, work out at the gym, drink more h20.

Sell our House! It's been almost 4 months- if we don't get more bites on the house soon, we are planning on switching Real Estate Agents.

I would also like to work on selling some things that we don't need- I would love to have another sale if I can find the time- I need to go through lots of things.

Continue Reading Motivational/Success Books- find my path/niche in life. My problem is that there are so many avenues that I love & do well at, but it's hard for me to focus and just choose one, so I end up being confused and not choosing any. This is something that I am praying for- what my purpose is in Life.

Work on building great relationships with Managers, APMS, etc- connect more.

I think that is plenty for now- these are some short term goals for this year, I may come back and add more later. Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!!


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