Where do I begin? For the past two months, God has been working on me steadily. I have been having spiritual breakthroughs back to back at a faster rate than I have ever experienced in my entire Christian life. First, I had to completely give over my entire life to God and completely trust in him for everything. That was very hard for me to do because I tend to worry and want to do things on my own. Once I did that, I started seeing God bless in big ways that only he could do!
Next God began putting it on my heart to completely forgive and love those who have maliciously hurt me; to leave the past behind and pray for my enemies. I have prayed for my enemies before, but this time was very different, I felt the hurts being replaced with love for my enemies. For me, that was a huge breakthrough.
Trusting in God completely and Forgiving and loving for my enemies was just the beginning of my growth. The third big growth that God has been doing is purifying my heart and getting rid of any pride, anger, resentment, and anything that is not of God. It has taken many trials and tribulations to get to this stage but I can honestly say, it's all been worth it. The times that I turned the other cheek and refused to retaliate through words or actions. When my enemies mocked me or tried to deliberately hurt me, I remained faithful to God and cried out to him to help me. It took me praying to get rid of self and swallowing my pride; it's not easy when someone attacks the people that you love or your character.
Through it all, God has been my protector, my strong tower; he covers me with his wings. The place that I am at now is so amazing. My focus is on God and what he wants for my life and I no longer have the anxiety or depression that the enemy was trying to bring against me. I know that those were Satan's tools to try to bring me down, but God has delivered me out of the pit! As God's soldier + prayer warrior, Satan is fighting with all the powers of hell to bring me down. He knows the powerful things that God can do through me and he is shaking in his boots. He will not be victorious!
"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us know be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galations 6:8-9
I have been hearing from God that restoration is coming and the verse "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord" resonated with me recently. (Psalms 27:14)
I have been so encouraged and also sharing in these victories with my husband, and it has been building his faith as well. He has watched God working in the physical as well as spiritual; blessing our finances through checks that God has sent to us in the mail. If that doesn't build your faith, I don't know what will!
Our hearts cannot become pure if we don't first go through the fire. Sometimes, it takes hitting rock bottom to first find God and learn how to trust in him and lean on him. I'm so glad that my life hasn't been perfect or I wouldn't have this beautiful relationship with God. I'll take that any day over money, popularity or fame. I am storing up my treasures in my eternal heaven, not here on earth. This place is just temporary, but eternity is forever. I am going to do everything in my power to be a light and help others make it in to Heaven. That is my ultimate purpose here in life.
What has been ways that God has increased your faith?
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