My Life Being Renewed: Progress!!


March 28, 2016

I feel like I'm always saying this, but life has been a little crazy lately and that's a huge understatement! I had a deadline this Saturday to turn in my final manuscript for my new book "From Assistant to #theBossBabe!" and I just finished it at almost 12:00 a.m. Friday night! If you want a fun, light read that is filled with friends, life changes, fun and romance- definitely take a look at it! It's a perfect read for a road-trip or the beach. The only reason that it wasn't done sooner was because I just wanted to keep adding to it! Next time, I plan on giving myself a longer deadline; I really pushed myself too hard on this one.

I also just finally received my W-2's from my old job and finished up the taxes today- I had to do taxes for my old job, my husband's job and my new business. Let's just say that I hate accounting- I don't know how people do that all day! I'm so glad to have that done because it was really stressing me out! I also finished another eBook to publish on Amazon titled "From Frazzled to Freedom!" I wrote it with busy entrepreneurs and solopreneurs in mind to help them create systems and automate their business so that it runs more smoothly. 

All of this craziness happened this week and then my husband got sick on top of everything and my Mom decided to drop in to bring me some honey for my allergies. And can I tell you the pollen has coated our entire house and I have the worst allergies to begin with. If anyone has an awesome natural cure please share it with me! I would love you forever!! (I have been trying local honey and natural allergy pills but it hasn't helped much). I am glad that I pushed through and finished my book, ebook and taxes even though it was a battle. Success is definitely not for the lazy! 

One day I will look back on all of this when I'm extremely sucessful and I can honestly say that I deserve every bit of it because I have worked my butt off for it! And I have gotten to where I am at without stepping on anyone else or being dishonest. I would never want to be successful, if it had to be at the cost of hurting others. 

Now that I've gotten some big things behind me, I can stop putting my personal life on hold. I'm hoping that I can get back to helping my hubby on the house and start back a running routine to get healthy. I also have a few entrepreneur books that I would like to finish this week. And I still have plans to celebrate my Birthday some place nice; just the hubby and I. Honestly, I had so much going on that I didn't even have time to celebrate it. 

To all of you out there working hard to be sucessful, don't give up. Just keep working and doing it the honest way and you will get there! 

I'm working hard but I'm also putting my trust in God at the same time that he is making a path and a plan for my future!

Hope that you all had a lovely Easter Weekend!!



  1. very nice post.

  2. Nice diary piece. Working hard for success! :))

    1. Lubka, thank you so much! Yes definitely working hard and hope to be extremely successful very soon :)

  3. That is a lot accomplished!! Nice!

  4. Woohoo! I'm so happy for you!! I'll have to check out your book!
    I'm glad things are finally 'normalizing' for you, too!
