My Life Being Renewed: Top 10 Favorite Life Hacks!!

Top 10 Favorite Life Hacks!!

February 18, 2016

Hey guys! Hope you all had an amazing Valentine's Day! We kept it pretty low-key over here, every day should be like Valentines Day in my opinion-flowers, lovely cards and chocolates!

Today, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite life hacks. I love a good life hack, especially when it feels life changing!

1. Pineapple Corer (don't laugh y'all)- seriously though, I am one of those people who refuses to buy a pineapple if it means that I have to cut that thing- no way! But my hubby found one of those pineapple corers that literally changed my life! I now have no fear of buying pineapples- bring them on!!

2. Ebates chrome extension- if you are a serious online shopper (and you can use in store) then you need to sign up for Ebates + add the chrome extension to your pc. Every time you shop, the Ebates button will pop up and if you activate it you can save a percentage on that site. For example, today I bought some Starbucks Verismo Espresso Pods on E-bay and I saved 10%! That was $5.09 on just one purchase. The hubby and I each received an $85 check this week from just using Ebates- that's $170! Also if you do decide to sign up, please use my Ebates link on the sidebar or one of these here that are highlighted- I do receive $5 each time that I refer someone  & they sign up through my link!

3. I signed up for about 2 years ago and it is so amazing for cleaning up your email subscriptions! I love that I can go into my account and easily unsubscribe all at one time or organized my current subscriptions into categories! And another bonus is that it's free to sign up!

4. Starbucks Verismo - I finally got my Verismo 600 and I have to tell you, I am so in love with that machine! I am obsessed with a good espresso and I also love my Americano's- it's so fast to make a coffee while I'm busy working away in my home office. I literally want to take it with me next time I stay at a hotel! (I hate 99% of all Hotel Coffee, unless they have Starbucks).

5. Capresso Milk Frother- My sister in law bought this for the hubby and I a few years back for Christmas and this thing is amazing!! This is something that we use daily for our cappuccinos, Americano's, etc.

6. Groupon- Just last week before we went to Disney Springs, I found a deal on Groupon for 2 for the Characters in Flight and + with my Ebate extension I saved another 5% with a grand total of $16. The tickets at Disney Springs are $18 per person, so I saved a total of $20!! If you decide to sign up, I earn $10 in Groupon bucks for referring you, so please use my link above.

7. Living Social- another great discount place to find all types of deals from vacations to vitamins. I try to check it weekly to see what deals they have. If you sign up with them, you will receive their coupons that they send out. The other day I received a coupon for 20% off which is pretty awesome! I've purchased eyebrow threading, vitamins, hotel stays, spa salt therapy- all types of things!

8. Dealnews- this is one email that you are going to want to sign up for! I have been a member of this site for around 10 years and they have the best deals! I have purchased everything from shoes, Amazon deal items, books, clothing, etc.

9. Vacations To Go- If you like to go on cruises, then you need to sign up for their deals. The last cruise that we went on we paid less than $1200 for 2 people, unlimited alcohol, unlimited lattes & cappuccinos in the cafe, and a $300 credit to use on board the ship.Amazing site!

10. Starbucks Reward Card- Sign up for your Reward Card and Starbucks will send you a Free Drink via Email! If you sign up through my link above then we both earn free drinks!

I have their gold card and I use it so much that I receive a free drink almost every month! If you purchase the bagged coffee in store, you can enter the star codes online and you can use those stars towards free beverages. I've been a member with them forever! Also, the new mobile order & pay is perfect for introverts and people who hate waiting in line. You just order via mobile and pick up in about 10 minutes or less- it's the best thing that I discovered in a while!

All of these life hacks that I've listed, I truly love and use in my personal daily life.  If I were to sit down and contemplate it, I probably have so many more life hacks that I could share with you!

What are some life hacks that you use in your life and love? I would love to know!!



  1. love all these!! ebates is so good and unrollme is sooooo helpful!

    1. Yes!! I Love both!! Especially earning money by shopping! LOL xo, M

  2. Your blog is beautiful! I love the colors.

    I am totally signing up for ebates online right now. I am definitely turning into a serious online shopper more and more and why not get money back for buying things you would anyway! Great tips.

  3. I just got a pineapple corer! The best thing I've ever owned as far as a kitchen utensil! We are actually going to get a second one.

  4. I enjoy posts such as yours because there's so much to learn! Those are great tips and I like how you have organized your blog. Such a unique thought!

  5. Koninika, thank you! I am so happy that you enjoyed my post! :)

  6. Wow! Thanks for! Ummm let's just say I created one account specifically for adverts, yet somehow I ended up using my personal, as well. I'm really hoping that one works! However, Ebates is weird. I have the extension and I really wish it wouldn't pop up for every website (like Kaplan, where I study?) it also never "notices" my orders so I have to notify them manually. . . Although their rebates are way better than other sites I've tried!

    1. Hi Cherish! Yes the extension does pop up for every website that has an ebates cash back- I love that feature but it might not be so great when you're trying to study. Maybe put it on a different computer if that is possible? :)

  7. I need to try that unroll me... Sounds like a major bonus! I love living social too.... it has saved me tons of $$$$$$

    1. Michele, yes! It's free to sign up and it's awesome for keeping your inbox free of clutter!

  8. I've never heard of a pineapple corer but I need to find one ASAP! I've found many getaway deals on Living social and Groupon and love both sites!

  9. I've never heard of a pineapple corer but I need to find one ASAP! I've found many getaway deals on Living social and Groupon and love both sites!

    1. Yanique, they are awesome!! And yes, I have found some great things on both Living Social and Groupon! :)

  10. Haha I love love love triple love pineapples so a corer ( which hello I did not know existed would be fab). I like the sound of it.

    1. Ana, yes you would love it! Especially if you find it to be a chore cutting open a pineapple- which I do lol

  11. I use about half of these things. Unenroll me, groupon, living social.... great ideas and a few new ones to try out!

  12. My husband loves his Starbucks Reward card. If they have it, he definitely qualifies to be a gold card member.

    My Friday link up is live. I would love to have you join :)

    1. Jill, he's a smart man! I think you have to earn 30 stars in 1 year to qualify to earn/keep the gold card. My closest Starbucks is about 25 minutes away so if it were closer, I would be there all of the time!

      I will definitely come check out your link :)

  13. My friend was just telling me about ebates. I need to head over there and sign up!

    1. Definitely! It's well worth it, I just wished that I had signed up sooner!

  14. Awwww, I'm heading to Disney World later this month, totally forgot about checking Groupon for specials in the area, thanks for the reminder!!!!

  15. Michelle, yes definitely check for that Characters in Flight at Disney Springs! It was so much fun :)

  16. I don't buy anything without checking Groupon first and I also love eBates. Why would anyone want to pay full price for anything?

    1. Deb, yes totally! I agree! I love shopping so why not save money in one place that I can spend in another ;-)

  17. I use eBates all the time, but i had no idea about the Chrome Extension. I'll have to download it so I make sure not to miss anything. Thanks for the tips!

    Be the author of your own story,
    Rebecca Kelsey Sampson

    1. Hi Rebecca! Yes! It is super helpful, that way you don't have to search around trying to figure out what site has what deals- when you go to google it automatically shows which sites have cash back and how much- it's amazing! :)

  18. awesome tips! I'm going to have to try some of these!

    1. Hi Colette! Awesome! You're going to think I'm crazy but I had a bunny when I was a little girl named Colette- I loved Les Miserables and named her after that film :)

  19. This is a great list. I would love to have a pineapple corer.

    1. Thank you! You should definitely get a pineapple corer- life changing I promise!!

  20. I just bought a costco membership from living social. Awesome! I also love!

  21. I saw the Costco Membership- that was an amazing deal! :)

  22. I love a good hack. Groupon and LivingSocial have introduced me to many new places. I love searching them for good deals!

    1. I do too! They have amazing deals- I'm actually planning on using some for my next weekend trip! :)

  23. I recently signed up for the Starbucks Reward Card. I seriously do not know why I did not do this sooner! I also love GoldStar for great event discounts.

    1. Stacey, I know, right?! I haven't tried it for event discounts, that sounds awesome!

  24. I have never used ebates, but my sister-in-law loves it. I use swagbucks, and you can cash in the swagbucks for amazon gift cards. I love that since I pretty much buy everything off of amazon :-)

    1. Hi Heather! I think I did try swagbucks but didn't stick with it, I need to try again! I love Amazon too so this sounds like an awesome idea:)

  25. Haha I love unroll me!!!!! I had never heard of them, they write me about doing a post, and omg!! I legit am in love with them and tell people about them to this day! Saved my email account!

    1. Courtney, you and me both! I wish they had written to me about a blog post, I would have known about it sooner! lol :)
