My Life Being Renewed: 4 1/2 months remaining in 2016!!

4 1/2 months remaining in 2016!!

August 8, 2016

Happy Monday! I had such an amazing weekend because the hubby and I painted all weekend and I am hoping to finish up by mid-week! We are already planning to visit Lowes this week to pick up supplies to build some nice shutters.

While we are on our weekend vacay the other weekend, I was able to do some thinking about the things that keep me stressed and I came to the conclusion that it's the fact that our house is not finished. So I have decided to put my business on hold for right now and do minimal client work so that I can help the hubby get everything finished. When you work a full time job, it's just not fun to come home and have such a long to-do list so I want to help take the stress off of both of us.

Here is what we accomplished this past week:

>> Sanded & Painted deck stair boards
>> Painted bottom trim around house
>> Hubby built another trim header for one of the interior doors
>> Sanded, pressure washed and painted 95% of house
>> Finish painting last 2 windows
>> Touch up paint at the very end
>> Cleaned out walk in closet & have 2 huge bags of fall clothing to consign
>> Cleaned out garage and donated to Goodwill
>> Sold some more on Swap and Shop
>> Deep-cleaned fridge & freezer
>> Bleached all bed covers
>> Cleaned Garage Doors
>> Cleaned cob-webs from underneath deck (we live in the woods so we have tons of spiders!)

And my dishwasher is currently running as I type :) I love having a clean house!

My sister and I had previously talked about meeting one day to help each other get things done, so she came over the other week and helped me on the garage. We had the best time and hanging out together really helped us get our bond back. We have been through some rough times the past 2 years and I honestly thought we would never be close again but now it's like old times! I am so excited about what our future holds and being able to hang out more!

Today, I am working on painting the last side of the house and I plan on getting a nice walk in before it rains here. The main things that we have left to do are the interior trim, paint last 2 windows, last touch ups and shutters. Once we get those things done, we plan on getting the concrete poured for our garage and also our well house. Our biggest project this year will be the well house, so we're saving it for last. We are also hoping to get our crepe myrtle trees planted along the drive and gravel poured. I really want us to go into 2017 having our home pretty much completed! We only have 4 1/2 months left in 2016-how crazy is that?!

On a side note, the hubby and I just had our 17 year Wedding Anniversary! We are making plans to go out of town in the next weekend or two to celebrate it officially. I am so in love with my husband and am so excited for what is in store for our future together!

So that's it for today- I'm headed back out to finish painting and I'll be back later on this week. Hope you are all having a fabulous Monday!!

What goals have you accomplished for 2016?


  1. I still cannot believe that the year is only 4 1/2 months away from being over. So much craziness has happened and is happening. Wow! Here's to our future accomplishments.

    1. Alyssa, right?! Me either! Yes, cheers to our future accomplishments! :) xo, M

  2. I'm seeing my oldest off to a career in the military, my wife and I officially opened our second business, and we haven't strangled each other yet😎. It's been an amazing year to plant seeds for the harvest that's in the coming season. Just believe and set goals small enough to bite but not too big to choke on. Great blog.

    1. Hi Shawn! It sounds like you have some pretty amazing things going on!! Thanks so much for stopping by :)

    2. Holy Cow...I'd be over the moon if my 'done' list looked like your done list. Sadly, your done list looks like my 'to do' list. I desperately need 48 hours days! The good news is that I am never bored and always have something to do when I wake in the morning. 4 1/2 months to Christmas? Yikes!

    3. Hi Lynn! Thanks so much! I work from home, so I do have more time in the day to get things done and I also give my espresso credit! :) I know, right?! It's crazy that Christmas is so close!!
