My Life Being Renewed: Headed to the Beach!!

Headed to the Beach!!

September 17, 2016

Hey y'all! This is going to be a quick post because we are heading out the door in an hour or so to head to the beach for a nice weekend of relaxing! I'm looking forward to lying on the beach listening to the waves, catch up on some books, eat some good food and do a little bit of shopping.

Remember, how in my last post, I was talking about how God was bringing restoration to me and my family? Well, we were again abundantly blessed with some  news yesterday that could have only been God working! I immediately called my husband at work and told him and we were talking about how it was God working and what a blessing it was. God is so good and I am so excited to see what else that he has planned for our future! God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything that we ask for and that's pretty comforting news. So don't be afraid to give God your problems and trust in him- he's can take care of it all.

God bless and hope that you have a lovely weekend!

For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11