Remember when I told you guys that I have been busy working on our 1st Annual Senior Living Expo? Well we just had the event this past week and it went pretty well! Honestly, I worried so much about it that I couldn't even sleep the night of- I literally slept about 3 hours!

The best part about this entire thing was that it really helped me grow tremendously! I had mentioned before on the blog that I have had to fight my own personal demons of social anxiety, crowds, feeling unaccepted/like I don't fit in and feeling like I had to be perfect or that someone would judge me. For too long, I have allowed bad experiences that I have gone through to affect my life in a negative way & put me in a state of trauma- it has been something that I have had to pray about on a daily basis. I know that God is not of fear and I don't want to have it be a part of my life at all.
My boss doesn't know this- but I was so afraid of attending the Senior Living Expo because of my fears and I almost backed out- but I knew that I didn't want to let him down- so I kept pushing myself out of my comfort zone & praying about it constantly, right up to the day of the expo.
The morning of the event, I took some Ashwanga herb for my anxiety and my husband prayed over me and I kept praying for God to give me strength, to help me to not be anxious. And what do you know, I was so calm checking the vendors in, greeting attendees, getting them to enter our drawing and passing out bags and estate planning information. The time just flew by and I had so much fun, meeting new people and I even made a couple of new friends!
Me & Rhonda (My bosses wife)- we are sisters forever! We even pinky-promised over wine that I would never leave- they don't have to worry- I'm not going anywhere!
My Boss! One of the nicest men that I know! I have so much respect for him.
Sanford & I checking in Vendors
The Committee Members that put the Senior Living Expo together!
Now that I have been a part of something like this- I now have more confidence that I can do it again. It was amazing having so much support from my boss, his wife & the committee on what an amazing job that I did and how proud they all were of me. All of these people that I have been working with are amazing and have helped me to grow as a person- I will forever be grateful to all of them and I am so happy that I am blessed to work with such a wonderful group of people.
They have no idea the impact that their positive words, acceptance and encouragement have had on me. God found all of the people that I needed & surrounded them all around me in a circle to help heal all of those hurts. I truly believe that was his plan- how sweet is it that my heavenly Father loves me so much? So lovely- I have no words for what he has done for me..
Just like my boss always says, we have no idea what our words can do to help someone who needs it.Words either hurt or they heal- we just have to make the right choice to use them to help people.
They have no idea the impact that their positive words, acceptance and encouragement have had on me. God found all of the people that I needed & surrounded them all around me in a circle to help heal all of those hurts. I truly believe that was his plan- how sweet is it that my heavenly Father loves me so much? So lovely- I have no words for what he has done for me..
Just like my boss always says, we have no idea what our words can do to help someone who needs it.Words either hurt or they heal- we just have to make the right choice to use them to help people.
And I am so thankful that God loves me so much that he put me with the right people to help me to start healing on this journey..I want God to use me to help others, to uplift and encourage and I know that he has plans in store for me to do just that.
What is an experience that you have been able to see God working in your life?
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