My Life Being Renewed: Mimi's the Look for Less

Mimi's the Look for Less

January 29, 2014

I couldn't help myself, you guys..I went back to Mimi's again. Seriously, this girl <----- does not like budgets, thanks, but no thanks.

This time I was lured in by their 75% email that I received- an offer that I couldn't refuse! I swear they had even prettier items this time!

I literally went in twice last week, once on lunch then the same day after work because lunch isn't near enough time to shop- duh! I dragged my husband in there twice on one day & to show you how amazing he is- he even held all of jewelry and handbags while I shopped away (swoon..). Exactly, one of the reasons that I love him, but I will save that for another post!

So here are a few things that I bought, and by a few, I mean only about 3 out of 12 items are shown. But in my defense, a couple of the items, my husband bought for my upcoming birthday. So there's that..

[This was one of the necklaces that I purchased a few weeks ago & it's now one of my faves!]

[Left: Natural Stone Ring $10- love this ring! Top Right: Gold necklace $4, 
Middle Right: Black Handbag- $10!!!, Top Right: Tangerine Bangle Bracelet $4]

If you haven't been to Mimi's yet, you should definitely go- they are having their 75% sale until this Saturday!! I would go, but my husband has put me on restriction for 1 month, which I can totally understand since I have been to Mimi's like 10 times in two months.. Any-who, you should go there now!!

Happy Shopping!!



  1. THERE IS NO MIMI'S near me!!!! BAH HUM BUG! :( I love me an amazing clothing deal because I am not really one to buy pricy clothing!

    1. Aww sorry, I am the same way- I like shopping, but I hate spending a ton of money on one item!

  2. I would do some serious damage in that store! It's a good thing it is not in the same state as me ;-) cute finds!

    1. Amanda, believe me, I do some serious damage! I may need to move soon or I will be broke! lol

  3. ooh looks like there is so much cute stuff there! is it a chain? we don't have one around where I live :(
    -- jackie - jade and oak

    1. It's not- it's a local shop in my hometown- they do have the cutest things!!
