My Life Being Renewed: My Weekend To Do's...

My Weekend To Do's...

September 19, 2013

{I have been so busy that I haven't had my hair trimmed in months!!! It has gotten so long- I am wondering now if I should keep it long or cut it..any ideas??}

Hi Lovelies!! Hope you all had a fabulous week! I had a great week, but I am really looking forward to the weekend since I have so much on my TO DO list!!

//Quick Update: Things are good right now- our dog, Roscoe is the same- he still can't walk and recently he got some kind of pneumonia and was coughing excessively to the point that we only were able to get a couple of hours sleep per night, but after lots of natural cough medicines, honey & natural sinus medicines- he has finally stopped coughing, which makes his being paralyzed, seem like no big deal!! Our jobs are great- we both have great bosses which is always nice! The house has been at a standstill for over 1 month because of a last minute moving decision {not ours}. But regardless, I know that GOD has an amazing plan for our future! We may be down for a minute, but never out!! I will elaborate more in a later blog post..but anywhoo, onto the weekend plans!!

//Friday - Laundry Day (bring books/iphone)
//Friday- Hubby is assembling the Power Pole for our temporary power, then hopefully we can get someone out soon so we can have temporary power at our land, then have the well installed. Then we can actually get moving on this house building!!
//Saturday morning- Unpack and organize the apartment.
//Saturday afternoon- Take a break and hang out by the pool/tan.
//Sunday- go to church, play tennis in the afternoon
//Sunday- give myself a facial, pedi, etc.
//Sunday- Bake some healthy casseroles for the work week for lunches.
//Sometime between Saturday and Sunday- hubby can email out house plans to builders for bidding.

What do you have planned for the weekend? Anything fun??

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