My Life Being Renewed: Oh how things change!

Oh how things change!

January 31, 2013

Guess who has 2 interviews---> THIS girl!!! Tomorrow Morning at 10:00 a.m. is the first interview at the Blue Bell Ice Cream Company- how awesome is that?!! Second Interview will be this upcoming Monday at a Law Firm- to say that I am excited is an understatement!!!

My mind is already overwhelmed with visions of decorating my new office, buying new folders, pens, new office outfits, etc. I am excited to see what kind of office space that I will be working with {Obviously not as big as the spaces that I have in the photos below-but I love the color schemes!}

{Obviously a bit much, but so pretty!}

I've got to tell you, last week when I felt like giving up- I think it took me just saying, "okay God, I am giving this over to you, I don't know what else to do. You are the only one who can help me now."  Now I just have to pray for God to let me get the job that will be right for me! Thanks again to all of the prayers- I really appreciate all of you.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”
{I'm borrowing this quote from one of my blog readers who left the sweetest comment last week..and she was right!}


  1. Melinda I am praying for you! God is with you! Best of luck on these interviews:))!

    1. Thanks sweetie- I will let you know how it goes!! :)

  2. Oh-my-goodness! Melinda, I'm so excited for you, darling!
    Your faith in God just inspires me. Yes, we are all praying for you! You Go Girl!!!

  3. Oh yes, I just love the second design idea:)Maybe because of the hint of Africa in it!lol

  4. I look forward to hearing (reading) how the interviews go!!! :)

  5. so inspiring!
