My Life Being Renewed: February 2013

Short & Sweet Post!

February 26, 2013

First Work Week!

February 23, 2013

My weekend Instagrammed..

February 19, 2013



I have some Awesome News....

February 16, 2013

I think that pretty much sums it up- I start my new job on Monday!! To say that I am excited is the understatement of the year! I have to rewind to how things unwound so you can get the gist of the story.

So, on Wednesday, I still hadn't heard back from either job- they had both told me that they would let me know something the previous Friday. So I just assumed that I wasn't hired for either job- I was extremely let down and immediately put in for two more job vacancies that I saw at the Hospital.  I was feeling very discouraged- so I started praying & crying to God, just feeling like he had abandoned me at this point, I let him know once again that my future was in his hands and He had to help me out of this situation.

Anyway, to get to the point- I told my husband that I was going to take a nap and that I hoped when I woke up that something was going to change, that something good would happen, instead of all the negative things lately. So I took a nap for about an hour and woke up to the husband telling me that I had a phone call and that he thought it was one of the Interviewers, but he didn't know which one. I immediately jumped up and pulled myself together and answered the phone. Honestly, at this point, I was kind of expecting for them to tell me that they were sorry, but I wasn't a fit for the job. Instead, he says, "I just wanted to call and offer you the job, are you available to start on Monday?". I all but yelled YES!!! {not really, but on the inside for sure!} I let him know that I could definitely start on Monday and I was very excited for the job offer- he chuckled and we said our goodbyes. As soon as I got off the phone I screamed, "I GOT THE JOB AT THE LAW FIRM!!!!" and then I ran and jumped on the hubby- he was laughing and we were both so excited!

Since then, I have been getting things together for my job- I picked up a cute lunch tote, some work outfits and heels today and my Mother in law bought me lots of easy things to cook & things that I could bring for lunch like greek yogurt, raw veggies and chicken pot pies for the hubby. I also went today and had my hair trimmed- I will have to post pictures!

I really wanted to let you all know because you have been such a huge support for me and I really appreciate all of the prayers and lovely comments! My MIL was also excited because she had her entire Sunday School Group praying for the hubby and I and she has been telling them that the prayers have been answered! I really hope that my story will help someone that is going through a hard time to remember to hold on to the faith and keep praying even when it looks impossible. I almost gave up, but just tied a knot at the end of my rope and held on and GOD came through!! So for all of you out there, keep holding on, don't give up and keep praying!! Love you guys!


Life Via Instagram..

February 12, 2013



                                                            {I need a trim So bad!!}


{My second Pinterest Project}