My Life Being Renewed: No more....

No more....

September 19, 2012

Hey guys! I had the best time thrifting with my sister the other day, we both ended up with so many cute things- this vintage blanket being one of them. As soon as I saw it, I fell in love, I am thinking it will be perfect when we go camping and I have a cute red vintage thermos to go with. I also found some adorable outfits- I will have some fashion posts coming up soon!

So guess what...tomorrow MOH is finally coming home!! I am so so happy and looking forward to seeing him and spending some time together. Today I have been cleaning the house, carpets, washing linens, etc. so that everything will be nice for him {plus it gives us more time together}.

No more staying up half the night with anxiety..
No more being afraid every time I hear a noise..
No more being lonely and sleeping alone..
No more packing me & the dog up to walk over to my brother's house..
No more eating, drinking coffee alone...
No more having to get up so early every morning to go back home...
No more watching romantic movies or seeing couples hold hands & missing MOH
so bad that it hurts...
No more of my brothers teasing me about me being chicken little...
And last of all..No more moping around & being sad about MOH being gone..

One thing that I know for sure, I am going to be way too excited to sleep tonight! I have about 100 books on my kindle & just downloaded 10 more today, so I will be up late tonight catching up on my reading..


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